Rain, Rain…. maybe don’t go away?

Dear Readers,


Today is most definitely a rainy Friday.  It is the type of day where bed seems like the best possible place in the world.  It is the type of day that reminds me of “baking” chocolate chip cookies when I was little.  It is the type of day that reminds me about the simplicity of nature.  I love the sound of rain so much that I have programmed my daughters sounds machine to switch from “Twinkle Twinkle” to the sound of light taping rain every single night.  It sounds so real that I often have to second guess the shadows of light that penetrate through the curtains each morning.  Today was one of those dark mornings where I could have slept,  slept, slept… maybe to wake up for a few minutes to try to distinguish the sound of the sound machine from the sound of the real rain outside.


In reality, there was no possible way to actually sleep the day away in bed.  🙂  Hannah was ready to eat, Chester was ready to get going, and I needed to get myself together for a busy day.  Luckily, my husband was a huge help!  But after everyone had been fed, changed, and settled again… I did have a few moments to focus again on the beauty of “The Rainy Day”.  I really would love to grab my camera and tripod and run down to Lake Mohegan to snap some shots in the attempt to capture that feeling of relaxation and simplicity.  But, life calls and too many prior commitments won’t allow such freedom right at the moment.  Instead, I did what happens more then one billion times a day, a Google search for other peoples ideas.


What I came up with is truly amazing and I do feel as if so many wonderful photographers were able to capture those rainy days in all different types of environments.   Here are a few of my favorites.  After looking at these, I think I need to clear my calendar the next time it rains!

What do rainy days make you think about?  Let me know if you have an image that captures the beauty of rain.

Have a good day… stay dry!

Rachel 🙂